It uses a Markov probability algorithm (I think, I haven't looked at it in 2 years) to generate gibberish that sounds somewhat like real texts from input text. Here's an example I just generated.
President-elect Barack Obama on Friday broke from the pool of reporters and photographers assigned to follow him and took his daughters to see a dolphin show at a marine park on the windward coast of Oahu.
Aides said he left his vacation home midday with his two daughters, Malia and Sasha, to travel by motorcade about 15 minutes to Sea Life Park. The group was joined by Obama family friends for the roughly 90-minute stop, with the media arriving about an hour late.
The media van that typically waits for his movements was not nearby when he departed because reporters and photographers had been told that he was probably home for the day and were brought back to a Honolulu hotel. Leaving behind the press pool could be viewed as a violation of rules of engagement with the media.
The president-elect has been followed for months, virtually around the clock, by a small group or "pool." Under an agreement between the media and Obama's aides, the pool is supposed to follow him anywhere he goes in public.
President-elect Barack Obama family friends for months, virtually around the press pool could be viewed as a Honolulu hotel. Leaving behind the media.
Aides said he was probably home for the windward coast of engagement with his two daughters, Malia and were brought back to travel by Obama on Friday broke from the windward coast of Oahu.
Aides said he departed because reporters and photographers had been followed for months, virtually around the media arriving about an agreement between the media.
Aides said he departed because reporters and Sasha, to Sea Life Park. The president-elect has been told that he departed because reporters and were brought back to follow him anywhere he was not nearby when he goes in public.
Aides said he goes in public.
Aides said he departed because reporters and were brought back to follow him anywhere he departed because reporters and Obama's aides, the clock, by motorcade about 15 minutes to a marine park on Friday broke from the pool is supposed to Sea Life Park. The president-elect has been told that typically waits for the day and Obama's aides, the media.
The president-elect has been told that he goes in public.
Aides said he goes in public.
Aides said he left his movements was not nearby when he was joined by Obama family friends for months, virtually around the windward coast of engagement with his daughters to a marine park on the pool could be viewed as a Honolulu hotel. Leaving behind the day and photographers had been told that he departed because reporters and were brought back to Sea Life Park. The president-elect has been followed for his two daughters, Malia and took his two daughters, Malia and were brought back to ...
Cool, huh??